Game rentals used to be an integral part of every gamer's life. 3 day rentals from Blockbuster or Hollywood Video were definitely highlights of my weekends as a kid, but movie and game rental stores are gone. GameFly is still around, but I'd argue...
Sony delivered to fans announcements that have been years in the making, in what was one of their strongest conferences to date.
With Sony's strong performance last year, were they able to repeat at e3 2014?
Many racing simulator fans have been patiently waiting for the PlayStation 4 experience, although it’s not going to be Gran Turismo, DRIVECLUB is the next best thing.
If you haven’t yet played Journey, chances are you have at least heard of it by now. This game has been getting a ton of buzz lately–be it from showing up on people’s Best Games of 2012 lists or from its historical Grammy...
Free DLC? Yes. Definitely. Affirmative. The first Gotham City Imposters DLC is free and available now on Xbox 360. “Soon” has been the release date applied to PS3 and PC versions. The new goodies allow you to overlook Gotham City, up...
Well, technically Gotham City Impostors was released yesterday, but it was only on PSN, oh wait sorry, SEN now, and Steam. Now we have some Xbox 360 love and thus, everyone gets to enter the madness that is Gotham City Impostors! Had a blast...
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (UMvC3) for the Vita launches February 22nd, 2012. Here’s a bunch of details about UMvC3 to keep you excited until then. There will be 48 characters (50 total with DLC) A ‘refined’ fighting system that...
5 months ago, Techland and Deep Silver provided us with an amazing opportunity to go “hand to hand” with the undead in a little title you may have heard of called Dead Island. Well released TODAY, is the latest DLC titled “Ryder...