Most games today are played in the first person and place you in the role of a soldier. Now let’s think about what is really going on, chances are there is a war happening, your objective is to eliminate the enemy…but what about the...
Anyone else exited to see what Harmonix is working on after Rockband? Well here is a taste of one of their many upcoming projects! Fantasia!
January 2001 was when I got a computer capable of playing modern PC games (thanks Mom & Dad). It was a Pentium III 1.0GHz, 128MB RAM, 60GB 7200RPM HDD, and pixels were shot to a 15″ CRT monitor by a GeForce 2 Ultra. One of the first games...
So who is ready to embark on this Expedition? Get your suited up and your titans ready to explore new land!
Who is exited for the upcoming DLC for Titanfall? Here is a behind the scenes look at the map Swampland.
11 bit studios has been really awesome to the DRUL crew, and treated us nice during our PAX East visit. We got a chance to demo Anomaly Defenders and we approve!
Many racing simulator fans have been patiently waiting for the PlayStation 4 experience, although it’s not going to be Gran Turismo, DRIVECLUB is the next best thing.
Developed by Batterystaple Games, Exhoes of Eridu needs your help to finish production! In a nutshell, the game plays like MegaMan but you get the option of also playing co-op as well!
With NHL Playoffs in full effect, EA Sports took the time on Cinco de Mayo to announce NHL 15. NHL 15 will be released on Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360 and PS3. Although the focus is definitely on the new generation of consoles. EA Sports boasts that NHL...