
Day Off Issue 8

Wow its December already! Hello there! In just a few weeks everyone will be exchanging gifts, and what do we all want? Games of course! Money is cool too but let’s be honest, it’s just going to end up going to a game anyways, so just cut...

Nintendo and mii!

Let me start off by saying that I have not played the Wii U, or even touched a Nintendo product in well over a year. Traditionally I would take a DS with me when I travel, and thinking back, my latest trip involved a laptop and no DS… Now what...

Day Off Issue 7

Hope everyone had a great and amazing Thanksgiving! I would like to thank all of the Contributors for their work in DRUL HQ. Thanks to the readers and viewers of the site too! Sure we’ve had our ups and downs, but that’s normal! As long...


PC Gaming over the years has evolved so much so that stock settings just no longer cut it. The problem is explaining and or reading about how to do such a task, to overclock your system, it has always been annoying. Well, that stops today! In a...

Streaming the new trend

Today, Call of Duty Black Ops 2 is released… And with that comes a lot thinking. Not because I wasn’t even planning on getting this in the first place,  but because of the announcement made that streaming will be available directly from...

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