
Xbox Launches Personalized Stats

I was periodically checking my email when I noticed a new Xbox email. The subject was, “sho220, here’s your personalized Xbox News and Info”. Curious to see what it was, I opened it and I liked what I saw. I’m a stat fiend...

Catherine + North America = Summer 2011

Perhaps the weirdest game of this decade, Catherine, is set to release in North America sometime in Summer 2011. Amazon has it listed for July 26th, 2011 for both the 360 and PS3. Catherine is already out in Japan where it has topped not only the...

Times-a-tickin! New Modern Warfare time!

So rumors have been leaked of a new Modern Warfare title being pushed out from Activision. Even though this information is out there, nothing is set in stone yet. All we get is a site; FindMakarov.com which displays a countdown timer pointing to...

Dead Space 2 DLC – Severed – March 2nd

Ready for more Dead Space 2 content? You’re in luck! Dead Space 2: Severed releases March 2nd (March 3rd for Europe), and will feature Gabe Weller (from Dead Space Extraction (Wii)). You’ll play as a security officer equipped with an...

Gears of War 3 Launches September 20th!

As if there wasn’t enough news out of Epic Games this week, Microsoft & Epic have revealed September 20th, 2011 as the official release date of Gears of War 3! And of course, if you can’t wait that long, there is a Gears of War 3...

Dragon Age 2 Demo Is Out Now!

All Dragon Age fans, or anyone who wants to be a Dragon Age fan, the Dragon Age II demo is out now! If you’re still reading, you’ll be happy to know that Bioware wants to give you, and all other DA fans, a present for downloading this...

Bulletstorm DLC Outlined And Dated

Even though Bulletstorm just released yesterday, People Can Fly, Epic Games & EA have already announced the first batch of DLC entitled, “Gun Sonata”. Gun Sonata will come with: 3 New Anarchy maps 2 New Echo maps Crash Site: Final...

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