There are many subscription services, but none are as focused on indie developers as IndieBox!
We got a chance to literally sit down with Liv Sagan, aka. Marketing Overlord at IndieBox. Liv enlightened us on everything IndieBox, but more specifically, all of the work that goes into each of box they send out.
For starters the company is as indie as they come, I mean they are labeling each limited edition box by hand! Currently that’s about 1,500 boxes every month!
Liv showed us the February 2015 box which was Risk of Rain, and its content surprised me. Risk of Rain’s IndieBox included socks, a custom brooch, custom notebook (bestiary), instruction manual, soundtrack, themed stickers, a custom USB “cartridge” of the game (which is DRM free), and of course a Steam key if you wish to play it off your library instead.
Let’s break everything down to get a better idea of this box’s value. Of course this is all left to interpretation, because of the limited edition items only found in the box. Assuming you signed up for the 1 month plan, your total would be $23.98 USD including shipping.
[table style=”table-hover”]Even with some of the prices being estimates, you’re looking at $15.95 in savings! And for such a limited amount of money, you are receiving truly limited edition items and a quality product. The details in each box are old school, the number of players, a description of the game, and wonderful art wrapped all around. Items you’ll never see anywhere else as they are all custom made for each box. As soon as I flipped through the instruction manual and saw a note section in the back, I fell in love with this idea.
I’d also like to clarify that this is just an example for a single month subscription, paying for 6 months lowers your payment to $15.99. So in the above example, you’ll essentially be saving $23.94 off the estimated box price, and to me that’s a pretty sweet deal! The other payment option is a 3 month subscription at $17.99.
Since the launch of Xbox One, I’ve gone on record saying that I’ve gone all digital , but the reason is simple, there is nothing inside of current retail game boxes that I care about. IndieBox’s slogan is, ‘Bring Back the Box’, and I support that!
Their previous boxes have featured a custom IndieBox USB SNES controller (see pics below!), and other goods which any fan of limited or collector’s editions couldn’t even put a price on! The best part of this is it brings gamers together, because every game IndieBox packages will work for Windows, Mac, and Linux! ‘No gamer left behind’, thanks IndieBox
More info: The IndieBox
Add another $9.99 into that price estimate if you count the fact that there were TWO steam keys in the Risk of Rain box so you could play with a friend.
You’re right, I do recall Liv saying Risk of Rain came with two Steam keys. I’ve added this info to the article. Thanks!