Oz is back to join the same full crew from last week. The guys kick things off talking about turning a local burrito spot into a club. Later discussing a bunch of games, for the full list check the post.
Side note: There were audio issues in this episode which were disclosed and predicted would happen, most of them occurred towards the end of the episode. For this reason, Oz mentions the talk about Trujillo’s burrito would be placed at the end of this episode after editing but was left at the start instead due to the explanation of the audio issues being discussed during this segment.
Game discussions start at 7:30.
Information of what was discussed in this weeks show:
[lists style=”right” color=”#dd9933″]- Trujillo’s Taco Shop
- Cluster Truck
- Hello Neighbor
- Pokemon Sun/Moon demo
- Shuffle Cats
- Gears of War 4
- Digital vs Physical media
- Star Citizens
- Infinite Warfare beta
Tune in, enjoy and leave us some feedback!
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