AuthorOscar Ventura

Oz plays Rocket League and is very bad at it, but at least he tries. As long as there are games to talk about, he's in his happy place.

drul cast episode 41 image

DRULcast #41 – The Bad Game Deal Hunter

Packed show this week with special guests Juan (Ac3) and Mark (MVN) joining us! You’ll quickly come to notice that this show was pre-recorded, as we point it out in the show. We figured instead of leaving you guys without an episode for the...


Solstice Arena PC First Impressions

With the massive amounts of players on both the Defense of the Ancients 2 (DotA 2) and League of Legends, there is no surprise that the one of the most recognizable game developers, Zynga, joined the multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) genre.

pokemon playing cards

Pokemon Cards…No really, Playing Cards!

Pokemon has always been known for their games, and even for the Trading Cards. I remember owning quite a few binders just full of cards myself. Growing up and stepping away from the ever growing series, I’m still pretty shocked at the amount of...

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