Before we get to the Gift Guide, it’s our birthday today! We turn 2 today! Wow! Can’t believe it has been so long already! Over these years we’ve had bumps in the road as mentioned in Day Off Issue 8, but you know what, we continue moving forward! Finding inspiration from all around us and moving forward with this project! We look forward to providing additional content as the years keep piling on! With the plethora of games awaiting us in 2013, there’s no shortage of reviews and articles to bring you.
[divider]Now for the final installment of our Holiday Gift Guide, I present to you a collection of must own, and must play titles!
[toggle_box title=”Borderlands 2″ width=”Width of toggle box”]
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[toggle_box title=”AirMech” width=”Width of toggle box”]2. AirMech – Everyone has to play this game… There’s no reason not to! It’s FREE! Sure if you want to unlock some new units you could pay, but you dont have to! Everything could be earned by playing. It may take you a while, but that’s why your playing the game, to have some fun and entertain your brain! This Action Real Time Strategy is just full of action, specially when playing 3v3. Just capturing the bases and keeping control makes things fun, but then enter the timed elements which grant you more power, and eventually kill you depending on how much of the land you own. It’s too much fun, definitely check it out, even if that means dropping $20 on a few upgrades!
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[toggle_box title=”Minecraft XBLA” width=”Width of toggle box”]3. Minecraft XBLA – I came really close to not adding this on my list! Then I thought about the countless amount of hours I played this game just building random crap, and surviving. Just a few months back they released the Creative Mode and it’s still as fun as it was the first day I played it. I own it on PC but didn’t get into it until the Xbox Live Arcade version was released. I’m a huge fan of LEGO’s so it is only fair that this make my top list of must own/play games!
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[toggle_box title=”Super Monday Night Combat” width=”Width of toggle box”]4. Super Monday Night Combat – Another Free game! Like most of you, I have also played League of Legends, but theres just something about that game that doesn’t click with me, the items. There are so many of them and it just confuses the crap out of me to the point of not wanting to play. Fast forward some, and then comes SMNC! A multiplayer online battle arena (moba) game which has been much more fun to me than all other Moba’s to date. By putting you in the third-person perspective, you get a better feel for the game. At least for me personally, it felt a lot better than that top down view. Like with any game though, you need to find your play style before you get any good! So practice up, as it’s another FREE game!
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[toggle_box title=”Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb” width=”Width of toggle box”]5. Binding of Isaac Wrath of The Lamb – I recently bought this game and it instantly has become one of my favorite games to kill time. This game could last you anywhere from 2 minutes to 15 minutes per session depending on how you manage to do. As Alan mentioned in his holiday gift guide, there is a ton of replay value to this game. When you die, you lose everything and start over. The good thing about this, each death doesn’t feel like the game cheated you, instead you know where you went wrong and why you died. Each time you play, the maps are randomly generated again so that you never play the same game twice! Items are switched, and so are the bosses! This is a must have for anyone. Even if your not really into PC games, this game will satisfy that urge to just play something.
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[box_light]Those were initially my top games for this holiday season, but you know what, I’ll toss in another two games I have been playing non-stop! These games are accessible by anyone with a smart phone, so there is no excuse not to check it out. Treat yourself to some fun mobile gaming![/box_light]
[toggle_box title=”Witch Wars” width=”Width of toggle box”]6. Witch Wars [Google][iTunes] – Even after reviewing this game, It still remains in my collection. Not many games last long on my phone as I’m constantly uninstalling them, but this is one that I cannot stop playing. Every few minutes I’m somewhere with downtime, I pop my phone out and go straight to this game. Depending on what mode your playing, chances are you’ll be in a game for no more than 5 minutes. It’s a mixture of Puzzle Fighter and Bejeweled, what more can you ask for? For it to be free you say? Well it is! Get on your phone and download this right away! It’s the most fun you will have matching items while destroying your opponent!
[button link=”″ variation=”lightgrey”]iTunes[/button][button link=”” variation=”green”]Google Play[/button]
[toggle_box title=”Funky Smugglers” width=”Width of toggle box”]7. Funky Smugglers [Google][iTunes] – This is another mobile game I reviewed, and it still holds up as one of the funnest games ever. I don’t know what it is, it could just be my obsession with airports, but there’s something about this game that has kept me hooked. Even though its $0.99 to download this game, it will be one of the funnest dollars you have spent! Think about going to the arcade, putting a dollar in the machine to get tokens, those tokens will likely go into just one game, let me guess, Time Crisis 4? You’ll play for a good 10 minutes (if you manage to survive all of the grenades) and then what? another dollar?! No way! Just get yourself some Funky Smugglers, and enjoy yourself some fun times making sure people don’t sneak garbage into their flights!
[button link=”″ variation=”lightgrey”]iTunes[/button][button link=”” variation=”green”]Google Play[/button]
And with that ladies and gents, we conclude our Holiday Gift Guide for 2012!
Not only that but we also celebrate our 2 years of being in existence to the interwebs!
If you want to check out the other guides listed through out the week, check them out:
[button link=”” variation=”red”]Day 1[/button][button link=”” variation=”moss”]Day 2[/button]
[button link=”” variation=”moss”]Day 3[/button][button link=”” variation=”red”]Day 4[/button]