It’s that…month again! Sure the shortest one, but a meaningful one to many gamers.
The premise is to take four games from your backlog and finish them, that simple. Why four? why the shortest month? Well I’m not too sure on that, however it is typically an ‘off’ month where there aren’t good titles being released, so what better time than now to finish those that came out!
Last year I took part in the challenge, and failed, sort-of. I completed 3/4 which was a win in my eyes considering Mark of the Ninja was a great title.
This year, I will be taking on the challenge once more with the following titles:
Depending on this, I will add one of the following:
Most likely I’m looking at Stacking over the others, due to the limited time.
Let’s see how it plays out!
If you want some moral support to keep at it, be sure to Like the Four in February Facebook!