Oz is on vacation so Jack teams up with Juan and Derrick. We lazily glaze over a couple new games, then nostalgia hits us hard as we bring up our fondest childhood memories of classic games on NES, Game Boy, SNES and Genesis!
[lists style=”right” color=”#dd9933″]- Juan’s House Remodel
- Gears of War 4
- Pokemon
- Clustertruck
- Tiger Head To Head Talking Baseball
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
- Halo 2
- River City Ransom
- Skate or Die!
- Double Dragon
- Final Fight
- Road Rash
“You know what I mean?”
“You know?”
“I mean.”
Part of the post image is a modified version of:
Suitcase by Renee Ramsey-Passmore from the Noun Project
Tune in, enjoy and leave us some feedback!
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