Sunset Overdrive will be 8 (yes, EIGHT) player coop with dedicated servers and launches on October 28, 2014. As you guys know us DRULers have been looking forward to this game even though not much has been known about it. Today during Sunset...
Microsoft demoed gameplay for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. It was also announced that Advanced Warfare DLC will be released first on Xbox One, similar to the trend started on Xbox 360. The game looks graphically amazing, facial animations...
Even though the gameplay will stay the same, that doesn’t mean the look and feel of the atmosphere has to! Riot teased us with a video showcasing some pre-beta footage of what they have so far.
If you fail to conquer the world with a single tap (or click) then you will just likely die in One Tap Quest – the fastest, simplest, and most challenging game you will possibly ever play. A simple HTML5 game where you click to place your...
Games for gold have been on Xbox 360 since July 2013, and for all who don’t know what it is, Microsoft gives you two free games per month as long as you have a Gold membership. This has been a long awaited feature by many, and after more than...
OMG! Can it be that I have a new Pokémon title to look out for? Awesome! Time to catch ’em all like back in 2003. Where were you in 2003 when the Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire came out? I was a sophomore in high school doing my homework during...
Are you dying from lack of zombie killing action? Well don’t panic, because Undead Labs is throwing you a Lifeline.
E3 is my second favorite time of year, Christmas is first. My favorites aside, let’s get to the main question, do we really need huge press conferences, fancy booths, and all the other glitz and glam that E3 has become? Companies use so much...
About a month and a half after PAX East 2014, Gearbox Games decided to release the video they debuted there! For anyone who waited hours to watch this, I feel bad for you!