

DRULcast #53 – Trading Pennies!

In this week’s show we find out that Jack suddenly does not hate everything! We’re all about getting paid, tune in and let’s figure out together how we’re going to sell these damn Steam Trading Cards!

Hey Early Access, Bug Right Off!

Early Access is the hottest thing on Steam. Gamers are eating it up, and developers love receiving funding as they’re working on their game. But is it really a good thing? Has it gotten out of control? We’ll take a look a closer look at...


Switching to Digital ONLY!

With everything in life moving to the digital age, gaming was the last thing that I still have physical media for. No more disks! I’m done! My music is streamed, my movies are either streamed or downloaded or even viewed on demand…so why do I still...

Brace for winter! PC edition!

Well, it’s that time again where you need to figure out how you are going to shovel out your car, or even your home. At least is you’re on the East coast that is. Snow is upon us! So let us bunker down and get some gaming down. Here are a few games...

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