Ever miss the days of NES and SNES games? Remember blowing into them cartridges? How about we forget all of that and just play through our browsers!
It’s not everyday a cartoon/video game gets recognition on a grand scale. During the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil, you’ll be seeing an icon on the Japanese sidelines, Pikachu!
Ready to rage at RedLynx’s latest creation? Trials Fusion is set to release April 16!
Nintendo’s loyalty program, Club Nintendo is offering new users the chance to catch em’ all!
One of the updates we’ve been waiting for is finally coming to Xbox One!
Remember that extra subscription that Call of Duty wanted to tack on to your yearly gaming price? Which later went free? Oh you don’t remember? Well who cares, it’s going away in two days anyway.
Team17 announced that their new intellectual property in more than 13 years would be a game named Flockers.
Xbox posted a video which takes us into Respawn Entertainment’s journey to launch their first title; Titanfall.
In a latest Facebook post, and video, Evolve is holding a contest to bring you and a few friends down to Boston to PAX East!