If you’re interested in the latest news, best deals and just overall enjoy gaming, you won’t want to miss this episode! From Cyberpunk 2077 to new Xbox bundles, this week’s episode has a ton of great information. Including how to...
Launch titles for any console can be hit or miss - they mostly miss. Ryse: Son of Rome received a lot of criticism for repetitive and scripted gameplay. But who cares, watching this beautiful game in action is never boring!
Crysis is one of the most popular first person shooters of all time. It mainly receives merit because of its incredible graphics. Even today, 5 years after the game originally came out, Crysis is still a graphical marvel. Despite its age, it wasn't...
The current iteration of Crytek’s baby (CryENGINE 3) has a just birthed a new version, 3.3.9. This version’s biggest improvement is its integration of Autodesk Scaleform. There’s also some DirectX 9 (DX9) improvements. I’m...