

Brace for winter! 3DS edition!

The next iteration of the Bracing for winter series is for those who enjoy handhelds…made by Nintendo of course! For the Nintendo 3DS. Animal Crossing: New Leaf! I took a small break from playing this game, but the game never sleeps. There is always...

Look Ma! No Glasses!

The next level of gaming has finally arrived! 3D Gaming courtesy of the great minds over at Nintendo HQ! The announcement of their new system has brought up many questions on how the 3D actually works, and if it’s just a gimmick being used to...

Pirates of the Caribbean gets LEGO’d

Everyone at one point in their lives has played with Lego’s, but the company has decided to take it and transform it into an amazing series. These Lego games have been an amazing hit for kids and adults alike. Lego Batman, Star Wars, have been...

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