Faced with difficult decisions, Oz explains his hard times playing 11bit Studio’s latest, Frost Punk. Jack gets annoyed at ads, and together they Marvel at greatness.
Ready to punch in and handle the beat? Patrol your street and write up some tickets, that’s what you’ll end up doing in Beat Cop. Now as boring as that may sound, the game does have some witty commentary to balance things out.
After a minor hiatus, Jack returns to talk with Oz! They gather to discuss travel plans, video games, and movies this week!
We had the privilege to talk to Karol Zajaczkowski from 11 bit studios about This War of Mine. He gave us dates and details on the next major update for the game.
This week Jack and Oz discuss what is going on not only in life but in gaming news as well.
Finally! 11 bit Studios set a release date for their final installment in the Anomaly Series; Anomaly Defenders.
Most games today are played in the first person and place you in the role of a soldier. Now let’s think about what is really going on, chances are there is a war happening, your objective is to eliminate the enemy…but what about the...
11 bit studios has been really awesome to the DRUL crew, and treated us nice during our PAX East visit. We got a chance to demo Anomaly Defenders and we approve!
Our good friends over at 11 Bit Studios came out with a ‘training video’ showing off their newest tower defense game, Anomaly Defenders!