“Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary” is a spectacularly remastered version of the original “Halo” campaign, created in celebration of the 10th anniversary of one of the most beloved franchises in gaming history. With a bounty of new features including...
View allHalo 4 is the next blockbuster installment in the iconic franchise that’s shaped entertainment history and defined a decade of gaming. Set in the aftermath of Halo 3, Master Chief returns to confront his own destiny and face an ancient evil...
Insomniac Games are primarily known for their PlayStation titles. However, they have decided to take their talents and go multi-platform. After seeing the trailer (after the jump) for Overstrike, it looks like Insomniac is on track to making another...
Since the launch of Kinect in November 2010, thousands of users have used Kinect in some very different, unique and interesting ways. Microsoft has recognized the homebrew Kinect community and has decided to ‘showcase’ a few of their...
This fall’s Xbox Live Dashboard update will add YouTube, Bing and a new look. Microsoft has been moving towards tiles on all their platforms (Windows Phone & Windows), so it is inevitable that they also end up on the 360. Hop past the...
Can’t get enough of The Sims? Tired of playing the various ‘villes’ on Faceook? Then this will make you very happy, The Sims Social is coming to Facebook. It will include everything you already love about The Sims, but it’ll...
Ghost Recon Future Soldier is among the list of many games that were announced to have Kinect integration. So what will you be able to do with Kinect? Ubisoft demonstrated that you can ‘explode’ your weapon into the smallest details...
Mass Effect 3 will allow you to interact in cutscenes and command your squad with voice commands. Furthermore, Mass Effect 3 will be dropping in on all consoles on March 6th, 2012.
Kinect Sports Season 2 has been announced! It features football, golf, baseball, skiing, darts, and tennis! There will also be voice control to help you switch clubs in golf, or to hike the ball in football. Check out the trailer past the break to...