Crackdown is coming to Xbox One! As predicted and wished upon on DRULcast #58! The trailer doesn’t label the upcoming version as...
Sunset Overdrive will be 8 (yes, EIGHT) player coop with dedicated servers and launches on October 28, 2014. As you guys know us DRULers...
Microsoft demoed gameplay for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. It was also announced that Advanced Warfare DLC will be released first on...
E3 is my second favorite time of year, Christmas is first. My favorites aside, let’s get to the main question, do we really need huge...
Zombie, Horror & Sci-fi fans rejoice! Boston will get its first ever Walker Stalker Con!
Every year I’ve managed to go to the Behemoth booth and grab their exclusive shirt for the event. With this, you notice changes…
Now that PAX East 2014 is over, we’re all left questioning, where the hell am I going to get my next street pass group from?
It’s coming back! Are you in the Boston area and sad that PAX East ended? Well let’s take that experience and make it more...
Well, its Friday, and that could mean just one thing…PAX IS TODAY!