AuthorOscar Ventura

Oz plays Rocket League and is very bad at it, but at least he tries. As long as there are games to talk about, he's in his happy place.

Oh…There’s my drink!

Alright so here it is in all its glory… The Gamerator! It’s a damn arcade box… with a tap in the middle… oh! and cup holders for each player! This thing is so amazing… I highly doubt anyone will end up buying this, but...

Monday Night Combat gets hot and steamy!

We get another update from the ever so wonderful Uber Entertainment! This update though not adding new levels, is still a great one. It simply adds hearts to all of the characters, makes Bullseye pink, and a few game adjustments, and fixes all of...

Who has the bubble gum?!

Here it is in all its glory! The Duke Nukem Forever: Balls of Steel Edition. Damn it looks good! Continue reading to check out the image with all of the content included in the Balls of Steel Edition. This is the image that we were looking at while...

Let’s snap some bones!

During DRULCast 2 we discuss this movie, and here is the clip we referred to, best scene in the movie! If you plan on watching it, I would suggest avoiding this clip, but if you don’t care, just watch it! The movie is cool, but this scene...

Look Ma! No Glasses!

The next level of gaming has finally arrived! 3D Gaming courtesy of the great minds over at Nintendo HQ! The announcement of their new system has brought up many questions on how the 3D actually works, and if it’s just a gimmick being used to...

Lets get some headshots!

The most amazing show on television…. Anything I say here wouldn’t even do it justice. If you have yet to watch this show, please just stop reading, go on to the AMC Episode Guide and read the re-caps, or go buy the DVD/Blu-Ray to watch...

Pirates of the Caribbean gets LEGO’d

Everyone at one point in their lives has played with Lego’s, but the company has decided to take it and transform it into an amazing series. These Lego games have been an amazing hit for kids and adults alike. Lego Batman, Star Wars, have been...

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