
Far Cry 3 – Screens & Video

Perhaps one of my favorite demos from E3 2011 is Far Cry 3. I wasn’t expecting a new Far Cry, let alone a game that could generate amazing emotion in broad daylight. If you haven’t seen the gameplay footage, hop past the break and check...

Tomb Raider E3 2011 Gameplay

No matter where you’re from, or who you are, if you’re a gamer, you’ve heard of Tomb Raider. Many fans of the series think the latest adventures of Lara Croft have been a bit off of the original games they loved. Crystal Dynamics...

Fable: The Journey

This is a Kinect game which your character is on a certain path. Within this path though you get presented with scenarios in which you have to perform certain gestures to defeat the creatures in front of you. For the most part there is a blast of...

Halo 4 out in 2012!

Halo 4 is the next blockbuster installment in the iconic franchise that’s shaped entertainment history and defined a decade of gaming. Set in the aftermath of Halo 3, Master Chief returns to confront his own destiny and face an ancient evil...

Overstrike Debuts!

Insomniac Games are primarily known for their PlayStation titles. However, they have decided to take their talents and go multi-platform. After seeing the trailer (after the jump) for Overstrike, it looks like Insomniac is on track to making another...

Fun Labs – Kinect Tech Demos

Since the launch of Kinect in November 2010, thousands of users have used Kinect in some very different, unique and interesting ways. Microsoft has recognized the homebrew Kinect community and has decided to ‘showcase’ a few of their...

YouTube, Bing & New Dashboard This Fall

This fall’s Xbox Live Dashboard update will add YouTube, Bing and a new look. Microsoft has been moving towards tiles on all their platforms (Windows Phone & Windows), so it is inevitable that they also end up on the 360. Hop past the...

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