
Mass Effect 3’s Kinect Voice Controls

Hardcore gamers have consistently criticized Kinect for its gimmicky control scheme and slim potential in ‘real’ games. Although, developers are fighting the hardcore gamer. Halo Anniversary Edition came with voice controls, Ghost Recon:...

Xbox 720 At CES 2012?

Recently there’s been a lot of rumors about the next Xbox. For some reason ‘rumor professionals’ are heavily leaning towards an announcement at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), and a launch of the next Xbox late 2012...

Xbox Turns 10, You Get A Gift!

10 years ago today, the first Xbox was launched. Who would’ve ever thought the platform would be where it is today? We could ramble off everything the Xbox brand has accomplished over the last decade, but you probably already know all of that...

Pinball FX2 Paranormal Table is FREE!

Ready for all of the free candy on Halloween? Good, because Pinball FX2 wants to give you a free table! The Paranormal table which usually runs 240MSP ($3) is free today (Oct. 26th) to Nov. 2nd, 2011. And since we care, here are the links right to...

Games You Might Have Missed: Tenchu Z

What’s up fellow DRUL’ers, today I’m bringing you Tenchu Z, which debuted early the 360’s life. Tenchu Z has you take on the role of an Iga ninja working under Rikimaru, the series actual lead character, and undergoing...

Comic Con 2011 Swag

As you guys will hear on DRULcast 20, I hit up the outskirts of Comic Con 2011 to play some games, attend conversations, and get some autographs. I just wanted to do a quick post to show you guys (and gals) the things I was able to collect. Pictured...

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