Here’s an episode I’ll never forget! 100th show recorded during vacation and Mothers Day, how wonderful! Sorry for not having a show up in a while, all is explained in the intro to this episode, but we’re back on track! Enjoy!
Once more, sorry for the delay in uploading. From vacation to computer issues all is well in the world of DRUL, and we’re happy to talk about games, embarrassing stories, and everything else in between.
Note: At one point during this recording we talk about a voice that the recording did not pick up where I mention its our moderator. Just pretend Microsoft Sam or Siri saying that someone had left the channel. I thought it would go through in the audio recording but it turns out that it didn’t.
I’d also like to thank both Chris and Erick for even putting up with recording those first few episodes of the show.
We’ve come a long way and can’t wait to see what else is coming!
Enjoy the 100th DRULcast!