AuthorOscar Ventura

Oz plays Rocket League and is very bad at it, but at least he tries. As long as there are games to talk about, he's in his happy place.

Brace for winter! Mobile edition!

Saving the best for last! The Mobile edition for bunkering down this winter! Mobile, Android (maybe iOS, not sure as I’m an Android user) King of the Opera, best played if you have a sibling or someone else to play with, Hours of fun! It is...


Brace for winter! 3DS edition!

The next iteration of the Bracing for winter series is for those who enjoy handhelds…made by Nintendo of course! For the Nintendo 3DS. Animal Crossing: New Leaf! I took a small break from playing this game, but the game never sleeps. There is always...

Brace for winter! PC edition!

Well, it’s that time again where you need to figure out how you are going to shovel out your car, or even your home. At least is you’re on the East coast that is. Snow is upon us! So let us bunker down and get some gaming down. Here are a few games...

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