The secret behind Flappy Bird.


I’ve spent too many hours on this damn game.

I just want to clarify I’ve only gotten through 40 pipes, and I’m already sick of this game. But I still go back to play it.

It’s the best way to kill just a few minutes of your time but I have a major complaint. The hit detection boxes are extremely broken. I don’t know if it’s just me and that I have been playing this game for too long, but I have gotten to the point where I believe each different bird/fish has different detection.

I could just be losing it or my eyes adjust well to some better than others, but overall…fuck this game.

Do yourself a favor and uninstall any ‘never ending’ game on your phone, you’re better off!

Hosted by
Oscar Ventura

Oz plays Rocket League and is very bad at it, but at least he tries. As long as there are games to talk about, he's in his happy place.

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