Day Off Issue 9

It’s been quite some time since my last ‘Day Off’ issue! A lot has gone down since though!

[TL;DR version available below!]

I’ve been trying to maintain the site at a post a day, which was the goal set at the start of this project. It’s been getting done since back in October, the issue being, most of the news reported is known by the masses either hours or days ago.

Sure there are a few other writers here, who are and will forever be welcome to write here. When offering them the opportunity, I never said that they HAD to contribute. I gave them a ‘home’ to express their opinions and put up reviews for me, in exchange for a place to showcase their writing. No expectations were set, deadlines were rarely in place, but life happens, school happens, and work happens! This is just a hobby, a way to express our opinions out in a public forum.

From the start I’ve wanted both the podcast (DRULcast) and the site to sync up to build a relationship with the readers or listeners. The issue here was that I lost track of what I wanted to do myself. Instead of making posts personal, I was reporting on yesterday’s news. It’s time for a change, and I noticed this the second Jack (sho220) posted up his Backtracking Mafia II post.

It was about a personal experience he had with a game. How he enjoyed it, how much fun he had playing it. It got me thinking of when was the last time I actually ‘had fun’ playing a game, without the worry of the site being worked on. It opened my eyes to the point of writing my own backtracking story on WWE All-Stars. This had to honestly be the last time I had fun writing about something.

That being said, I think it’s time to switch things up once more. Instead of the ‘once dailies’ I rather put more thought and feel into a single post. Whether it be once a week, or even twice, who knows. The production of content from here on out at least from my end, should have a bit more feel through it. Maximizing the use of video which is a real slacking point on my end due to just wanting to get things done.

This doesn’t mean that random news stories won’t be posted any more, simply put though, I’ll only post up on what I feel is worthy of posting, instead of having this feel where I MUST get something out there daily.


On an entire change of the subject of ‘posts’ though, I do want to say that I’m trying my best to get the podcast back up and running, soon! Too many projects all at once is always a good thing but only when you can deliver! So soon is all I can say! With a new format too, can’t wait!



  • Life takes over; School for some, Work for others, some even both!
  • Changing formats again to post more quality instead of quantity!
  • The return of the DRULcast? Soon![/box_light]
Hosted by
Oscar Ventura

Oz plays Rocket League and is very bad at it, but at least he tries. As long as there are games to talk about, he's in his happy place.

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